QTBIPOC Youth and GBV: Confronting Racism and Queerphobia in Youth Services

Join the SAFER (Safer Access for Everyone in the Rainbow) Project for a panel on QTBIPOC Youth and GBV: Confronting Racism and Queerphobia in GBV Prevention, hosted alongside our partners, the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, Kind Space and the Enchanté Network.

Our moderator will be Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah (CCGSD) and our panelists include Roland Jones (The Enchanté Network), Lukayo Estrella (Kind Space) and Josel Angelica Gerardo (SAFER Project YAC Member and W2A Associate)

This panel will focus on three key learning objectives, with the ultimate goal of preventing and addressing GBV towards 2SLGBTQ+ youth:
– Understand the structural realities of white supremacy, racism and colonialism as they shape Gender-Based Violence and impact 2SLGBTQ+ youth.
– Learn strategies and tools to support QTBIPOC young people impacted by GBV
– Explore mechanisms to address lateral violence and advance transformative justice in the prevention of GBV towards 2SLGBTQ+ youth.

This panel will take place in English, with automatic captioning. The panel will be live-streamed on Facebook, and later uploaded to Youtube.

SAFER is a 3-year initiative to address and prevent GBV towards 2SLGBTQ+ Youth, undertaken collaboratively by WIsdom2Action, the CCGSD, the Enchante Network, Access Open Minds, Kickstand, GRIS Montreal, Kind Space, YWCA Halifax and Elder Laureen Blu Waters. This initiative is made possible through the generous support of Women and Gender Equality Canada.


Mai 03 2022


Eastern Time (EDT)
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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