Educator Learning Session: Consent, Autonomy, and Decolonization
All youth deserve to feel affirmed in their identities and to learn about consent and comprehensive sexuality education. Earlier this year, we hosted our first-ever national Consent Conference for youth in Canada between the ages of 14 – 19. One question you kept asking us following the conference was: will there be a session like this for educators? We are pleased to announce that YES, now there is.
Our Educator Learning Session: Consent, Autonomy, and Decolonization will be taking place virtually on November 18th, from 10am to 12pm EST. This national virtual conference is open to all teachers, educators, and professionals working with youth who are interested in expanding their capacities on the topic of consent, how to better implement it in their classrooms and professional spaces, and how to better talk to youth about what ongoing consent, both sexual and non-sexual, looks like.
Join us on November 18 for this educator-focused webinar on consent, autonomy, and decolonization. The more equipped we all are to talk about youths’ consent and autonomy the better we can support 2SLGBTQIA+ youths’ rights to connection, understanding, and compassion.