Uplifting Women & Gender Diverse Leaders!
In partnership with Feminist Forum, join us on Wednesday June 2 at 1pm EST and learn from ten impactful women and gender diverse leaders across Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as two international guest panelists making an impact as far away as the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) has been praised nationally and internationally for the way in which the province has handled COVID-19, and recently sent 19 of their own doctors and nurses to Ontario to support fatigued healthcare workers.
Two panels will showcase Newfoundland and Labrador’s COVID response, highlighting the impact of women and gender diverse individuals in leadership within academia, grassroots NGOs and advocacy, illustrating an intersectional lens towards designing a more equitable, sustainable ‘New Normal’, post-COVID. Global guests from the UK and New Zealand will add international insights.
Feminist Forum 4 is moderated by Dr. Betsy McGregor, who has been crafting public policy on science, ethics, and gender for over 16 years. Dr. McGregor if the Founder of Feminist Forum, was Delegate Leader of the Beijing 1995 UN Fourth World Conference on Women and author the Women on the Ballot. She will be joined by the Lieutenant Governor of NL, Her Honour the Honourable Judy May Foote, and Honourable Pam Parsons, Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality in NL.
Hosted By: Equal Voice NL & Feminist Forum Canada
Learn More, Read Panelist Bios and Register at: www.FeministForum.ca
- If you believe this is an event that your wider audience would be interested in, feel free to share our posts on our Facebook Page and Twitter!
- Tickets are $5 each and bursaries are available. 100% of ticket sales are split as honorariums between our panelists to support their continued work.
- The event will have Live Closed Captioning.
We hope to see you there!