A solidarity march for LGBTQI+ refugee newcomers

June is World Refugee Month and the RaricaNow Society is organizing a solidarity March for 2SLGBTIQ Refugees and Newcomers in Canada.

The march’s goal is to campaign for sustainable housing, healthcare access, settlement assistance, and the elimination of discrimination against queer individuals. The team is well convinced that your presence can help in spotlighting the crucial challenges faced by 2SLGBTQIA+ newcomers and refugees, inspiring action within and beyond our community.

The event also commemorates the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a pivotal moment in LGBTQIA+ rights history.

We would be honoured to have you join us at the event.


Juin 29 2024


Mountain Daylight Saving Time
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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Le Réseau Avenir égalitaire reconnaît que les peuples autochtones sont les gardiens traditionnels de l’Île de la Tortue, qu’on appelle également le Canada.

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