Ace Week 2023

Ace Week, formerly Asexual Awareness Week, is an international campaign dedicated to raising awareness and expanding education of asexuality. From its roots as an awareness campaign that fought for ace inclusion in LGBTQ+ spaces, Ace Week has grown into a momentous event that is celebrated around the world. The week gives all of us an opportunity to celebrate how far our community has come and to dream about the future we will create together.

Ace community groups around the world are hosting dozens of online events throughout Ace Week! Check them out here.


Oct 22 - 30 2023


All Day

Plus d'Infos


Le Réseau Avenir égalitaire reconnaît que les peuples autochtones sont les gardiens traditionnels de l’Île de la Tortue, qu’on appelle également le Canada.

Veuillez consulter notre reconnaissance du territoire ici