Employment Equity Partners’ Roundtable

Join us for the 3rd annual Employment Equity Partners’ Roundtable, happening in cities near you. This year, the Partners’ Roundtable will hold as regional dialogues on the theme, “Beyond Culture: Bridging Gaps in Accessibility, Equity and Inclusion”, in Vancouver, British Columbia and Toronto, Ontario. We are pleased to co-host this year’s Partners’ Roundtable in partnership with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation-Radio Canada.

We thank our partners, the Global Centre for Pluralism, Excellence Canada and the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, who have co-hosted the Partners’ Roundtable with us in previous years. We remain grateful for the support of sponsors, community collaborators and volunteers who have been an indelible part of our journey through the years. We are thankful to continue to creative transformative change through these partnerships and alliances that have become more relevant now than ever.

We are hosting this year’s the Partners’ Roundtable as in-person regional dialogues to enable us take a community-informed and industry-focused approach to our engagement and knowledge co-creation, as we work toward a shared framework for employment equity in Canada. We will continue in this way in 2024, working toward a national dialogue in 2025.

Key dates in 2023:

  • Tuesday, May 9th – Partners’ Roundtable in Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Thursday, June 8th – Partners’ Roundtable in Toronto, Ontario

Speakers will be confirmed momentarily. For information about sponsorship, partnership or volunteer details, contact us at connect@theinclusionproject.com, or visit the website, www.employmentequitycanada.com. Follow us on social media: Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Twitter for more information.

Register for your interest


Mai 09 2023


Vancouver, British Columbia

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