Gender Symposium: Women and Non-binary individuals with DisABILITIES and their different Intersections

Women and Non-binary individuals with DisABILITIES and their different Intersections; gender symposium aims to discuss Women with disabilities, different intersections, their realities, their struggles and exclusion in Canadian Society, and best practices and ways of moving forward.

For example, the right to motherhood, sexuality, and sexual and reproductive health of women with disabilities, as well as the right to employment and a life free of violence will be the main point of discussion during the Gender symposium. Especially on the fact that gender oppression is intertwined with disability oppression and even with other oppressions. It is a fact that the obstacles that disabled women have encountered are due to patriarchy, racism, and lack of accessibility.

This symposium will help to promote the autonomy of women with disabilities and their free and full participation in social, cultural, political, and economic life from an intersectional perspective. Its objective is to defend and promote the interests of women with disabilities, more specifically to fight against all forms of violence, discrimination, marginalization, or exclusion by mobilizing the majority and organizations across Canada to work with the « minority » (women with disabilities) to eliminate these exclusions by finding ways to promote the full participation of women with disabilities in all spheres of the Canadian society.

This is the second of five Gender Symposiums that will be conducted to increase understanding of gender equity issues, giving ways to be better allies to all women with disabilities. The gender symposium will cover an array of diverse styles of presentation, testimonials, and discussions from a panel of women and gender-diverse people, with lived/living experiences with different types of disabilities and further intersections (to being women-identified and having a disability).


Août 05 2022


Eastern Time (EDT)
10:00 am - 11:30 am

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