Menstrual Ed 101 – Period 1: Politics & Policy

Learn about how the current policies & political conditions in Ontario impact menstrual equity & period poverty in schools.

About this event
As students and teachers, faculty and support staff return to classes and campuses across the country, we invite you to learn best practices on advancing menstrual equity advocacy in educational settings.

Menstrual Ed 101 is a three period series where students can get curious and become menstrual equity changemakers in their schools and communities.
Period 1: Politics & Policy – September 19th
Period 2: Student Perspectives – October 17th
Period 3: An Indigenous Lens – November 14th

You are welcome to attend 1 or more of the events, and while they build on each other, you do not need to attend a previous event to attend the next one.



Sep 19 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Plus d'Infos

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Days for Girls Canada
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