MSYL: Empowering Spaces Conference


  • 9:20AM – Virtual Room Opens
  • 9:30AM – Conference Opening and Welcome
  • 9:45AM – First Session: Inclusive Language Learning Workshop
  • 10:45AM – Break, Virtual Coffee Chat/ Networking Breakout rooms
  • 11:00AM – Indigenous Leadership Panel
  • 12:00PM – Concluding Remarks & Conference Closing

Empowering Spaces Conference Making Space for Uncomfortable Conversations

The Empowering Spaces Conference is a free virtual conference for all leaders looking to increase their skills in creating environments where everyone is not only welcome, but actively belongs. Featuring a panel on Indigenous Leadership and a workshop on Inclusive Language, join us as we work together to make our organizations, schools, and communities places where all leaders can flourish.

Making Space for Youth Leadership

Making Space for Youth Leadership is a 10-month intergenerational learning program that brings together young women, transgender and non-binary youth, with business leaders from across BC. The program gives young people the opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills. Youth collaborate with established leaders to co-create a “learning exchange” in their community.


Oct 22 2022


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Minerva BC

Le Réseau Avenir égalitaire reconnaît que les peuples autochtones sont les gardiens traditionnels de l’Île de la Tortue, qu’on appelle également le Canada.

Veuillez consulter notre reconnaissance du territoire ici