Not Just The Tip: Ottawa Pilot

Join CCGSD and Dr. Nadine Thornhill for a demo of our brand new resource, Not Just the Tip!

Not Just the Tip is a self-guided toolkit for sexuality and sexual health educators that seeks to be inclusive, intersectional, and inspiring. Join us for an opportunity to see the resource before it’s publicly available, and provide your feedback to help us make this resource the best it can be.

Our toolkit modules include…

  • Facilitation Skills, to hone and apply your existing skills to the specific context of teaching sexual health
  • Decentering Yourself, to help reflect on and challenge our own biases and previous experiences around sexual health
  • Power Dynamics, to provide insight into the interpersonal and institutional power relations in the room and what we can do about them,
  • Pleasure vs Shame, to tackle common hiccups in framing sexual health education, and
  • Going Further, to help you continue your learning beyond the toolkit and vet future resources.

You’ll get a sneak peak at all five of the toolkit modules and have the opportunity to help us tweak the resource before it launches in Fall 2023.

Event will run from 9:00am to 12:30 pm, with an optional 30 minutes of Q&A until 1:00pm.

Event is catered. Spaces are limited.

Project is funded by Health Canada and supported by Wisdom2Action.


Jan 28 2023


Eastern Time (EST)
9:00 am - 1:00 pm

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