Public Legal Education Sessions with the CLCYR

These series will be held of the third Wednesday of every other month, beginning November 2023 and running until July 2024. These series will be hosted by the Community Legal Clinic of York Region and Women’s Support Network of York Region.

1. November 15 2023 – Introduction to the Community Legal Clinic of York Region

  • Who we are (about the clinic)
  • Our staff and departments
  • Areas of Law
  • Services we provide- consultation on rights, summary advice, representation etc.
  • Different resources within the clinic (Housing Team, EPP program, social worker)
  • Eligibility for our Service

2. January 17 2024 – Introduction to Housing rights

  • What is a tenancy?
  • What is Residential Tenancies Act (RTA)
  • Application of RTA
  • Definitions of specific terms under RTA- S.2 (Rental unit, residential complex, Landlord, Tenant, Tenancy Agreement etc)
  • Exempted living accommodation(s) from the protection of RTA
  • Major Protection of RTA
  • Type of Tenancies (fixed term, periodic tenancy)
  • Type of Tenancy Agreement

3. March 20 2024 – Rights and Responsibilities of Residential Landlords and Tenants

  • Repairs and Related Matters (RTA s.20, 29-30, 33-34)
  • Enforcement
  • Privacy (s.25-27, 29, 31, 234)
  • Subletting and Assigning (RTA Part VI)
  • Abandonment of a Rental Unit (RTA 79, 2(3), 42, Interpretation Guideline
  • Security of Tenure (s.21-24, 29,31,35, 37-39, 233, 238)
  • Rent (s.15, 40-42, 105-106, 108-109)

4. May 15 2024 – Termination of Tenancy (Either by Landlord or Tenant)

  • Eviction Milestones
  • Rights of TT’s against eviction
  • Common Eviction (N4, N12, N5)
  • Expedited Eviction (N11 or N9)
  • Enforcement of Eviction- Sheriff
  • Tenant’s right to Terminate their Tenancy
  • Termination for Victims of Domestic Abuse or Fear of sexual or Domestic Violence and Abuse

5. July 17 2024 – Resources for Tenants (collaboration with Social Assistance on Social Benefits) – General Introduction of program(s) and their respective contact information

  • Alternatively Consulting Organization for Advice (Law Society Referral Service, Pro-bono Ontario)
  • Private Bar Representation- Reduced Fee Program (Justice Net)
  • Human Rights Legal Support Centre
  • Rental Housing Enforcement Unit (alternative dispute resolution)
  • Social Worker Referrals (Integrated Support Program and Outreach Worker Program)
  • Housing Referral Resources (Housing Help Centre, Shelters, STAR Program)
  • Financial Resources (Housing stability program vs. Homeless Prevention Program
  • Social Benefits (OW, ODSP)


Jan 17 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Plus d'Infos





Women’s Support Network of York Region

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