Sex Educator Crash Course

Planned Parenthood Ottawa (PPO) is inviting you to our free interactive workshop on teaching sex-ed!

Who is this workshop for?

We’ve designed this for teachers, youth workers, social service providers, and anyone else facilitating conversations about sexual health and relationships.

What will you learn?

Come get practical knowledge and skills from our experienced educators on best practices for sexual health and relationships education. Our educators will draw on their many years of experience and train you on 3 key resources – Planned Parenthood Ottawa’s very own It’s Complicated: the Navigating Relationships curriculum, @CCGSD’s the Not Just the Tip Handbook, and SIECCAN’s Guidelines for Sexual Health education.

You’ll learn tools on how to navigate sexual health education with evidence informed best practices, including:

  • Examining personal sexual health values
  • Practicing facilitating skills
  • Fostering connection with people who are passionate about sexual health
  • Identifying resources to build your own workshops and activities


Mar 09 2024


11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Plus d'Infos





Planned Parenthood Ottawa

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