What’s next for child care advocacy in 2024?

We hope you can join us for one-hour on February 12, 2024 to discuss what child care advocates can do together to advance our goal of making affordable high quality licensed child care available to all families, and inclusive of all children. Morna Ballantyne (Child Care Now) will share what the recent National Assembly of Child Care Advocates identified as the key challenges and opportunities between now and the next federal election. This is an opportunity to discuss successes to date, and opportunities for more breakthroughs. Have your say about Child Care Now’s advocacy strategy and actions.

Register now to attend a session at the time most convenient for you:

Option 1: February 12, 2024 at 1 p.m. EST / 10 a.m. PST / 2 p.m. AST

Option 2: February 12, 2024 at 7 p.m. EST / 4 p.m. PST / 8 p.m. AST

Option 3: February 12, 2024 at 10 p.m. EST / 7 p.m. PST / 11 p.m



Fév 12 2024


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Child Care Now

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