The past week of protests in Ottawa have exacerbated the challenges already vulnerable populations face in the city and magnified the effect of prevailing inequalities. Below, we look at some of the stories told, share available resources, and highlight organizations working to provide support:
Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW)
People needing a safe walk or ride out of downtown Ottawa, are welcome to send a direct message to @ottawaconvoyreport to connect with a volunteer.
All helpers have been vetted, provided photo ID, references, and are prominent figures in the community.
Unsafe At Home Ottawa – text and chat support for violence & abuse
Unsafe at Home Ottawa is a secure text and online chat service for women and members of LGBTQ2S+ communities in Ottawa and Lanark County who may be living through increased violence and abuse at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Available 7 days a week here.
This is a living resource that we will continue to update over time. Know of more resources? Help us to gather and share more learning resources by contacting us at
Le Réseau Avenir égalitaire reconnaît que les peuples autochtones sont les gardiens traditionnels de l’Île de la Tortue, qu’on appelle également le Canada.